Welcome to the Lakes of the Colville Reservation Website

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This page was created to make ecological information on lakes of the Colville Reservation easily accessable and understandable to resource managers, fish and wildlife biologists, lake ecologists, and to those interested in lakes as beautiful and exciting environments..
Latest events of interest . . .

A Study is underway to gain a greater understanding of Buffalo Lake as a fishery. As data becomes available it can be viewed at the:

Buffalo Lake-Trophic Cascade Study Homepage.

The Lakes Database for Colville Reservation Lakes is being developed along three levels.

  • 1. For recreational users of Colville Reservation Lakes (Fishermen, boaters, or anyone desiring general information on these lakes)

  • 2. For resource managers who need easily accessible and understandable scientific data in order to make informed decisions on the management of reservation waters

  • 3. As a depository for raw data (database) which can be easily accessed by fish biologists and limnologists for further analysis.

Jerry Marco, Fishery Biologist; Joe Peone, Program Manager, Fish and Wildlife; Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Dr. Barry Moore and David Christensen, Department of Natural Resources, Washington State University

This document has been prepared by Dr. Barry Moore, and David Christensen, Department of Natural Resources, Washington State University.

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